Monday 1 June 2015

Hot Potatoes


This week my classmate Asier and I have been working in a new project made in Google presentations. We have done a tutorial of how to make a hot potatoes quiz! We have explained step by step with all type of details how to make the quiz so I hope you find it easy to understand and to enjoy doing your own quizes.
Here, downwards you have the presentation to watch it.

Kisses, Irune.

Sunday 31 May 2015


Hi readers!

Today we've been working in a new project developed in an application called dotsub. It has been fun doing this work because I have been listening constantly a song that I love while doing it. This work consisted in taking a videoclip of a song that you like and putting the lyrics in different languages, I've done it in Spanish, English and Euskera. The end of this work was to make the lyrics of the song understandable .

Enjoy it!

Friday 24 April 2015

Trip to Girona

Hi readers! I have done this questionnaire about a trip to Girona.
 Hope you like it!


What's up readers!

Last week Asier, my classmate,and I did a glog about human rights. We had the choice of doing a glog about women's rights and children's rights. But we decided to choose human rights because we wrote a post about women's rights and inside the human rights are the children's rights. This has been a work that I specially liked because a glog is mainly a kind of diagram so that you can see the ideas easily, and I like the fact of being able to see and realize of a such an important topic so simply.

We have put two videos in this glog. One of them explains the history of the human rights, and I think anyone can understand that video cause it's very well explained. We have also inserted a brief text explaining what are the human rights.

As I said, the glog is very useful to realize about how important are the human rights, but the sad side of this work is that we have to remind each others that we must fulfil this rights, and we normally do it by making videos or writing blogs or articles as I'm doing. So, I'd like to see a real change in humanity and start treating each other like humans, we deserve it and the society deserves it. Gloomily, I think that we're never going to live in a world where all the human rights are fulfilled, because there are always going to exist bad people, but we can really try it. We can only achieve that by working together.

Here is the link of my glog, there you can see the work i have done.


Tuesday 10 March 2015

What's up readers!

Today I'm writing you to show you this amazing mindmap that I have made. This, basically is an outline that shows you information about any topic that you choose and gives you simple information. This time I have done a mindmap with reasons to travel as topic. This is the link and I hope that this outline helps you to clear your mind about this topic.


Music anywhere

Hello dear readers:

What is new in this blog is the following link that shows a music shop page that I have created. Here you'll can  see instruments, accesories, scores... Of course I have simulated that it is a real shop but it's not. I hope you enter both links (concerning idioms, one page is in english and the other in basque) and enjoy the details, the pictures and mainly the made work.
